Film Flickers

Gen Z Unearths Controversial 2011 Horror Film Megan Is Missing & They Have A LOT Of Thoughts...

Leave it to the TikTok world and other young Gen Z social media users to uncover a nearly ten-year-old movie and get it trending again all over social media!

The movie in question here is the 2011 horror low-budget horror film Megan Is Missing, which is a found-footage psychological horror film about the dangers of meeting people online. At the time, it drew a lot of attention for being graphic and very realistic in some of its depictions, and now, well, TikTokers are finding that to be the case, too!

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It all started late Saturday night, when TikTok users started showing interest in the Michael Goi film. Originally wrote and produced in 2006, the film itself didn’t find a buyer until 2011, when it was finally distributed worldwide. It even got banned in New Zealand, due to what the country termed its exploitative nature and overly sexual depictions of its teenaged cast, among other issues.

The film is about two popular high school students in North Hollywood, California — Megan Stewart and her best friend, Amy Herman. It revolves around the days leading up to Stewart’s disappearance after having been talking to a boy she was interested in online, and the fallout from that. Goi, who wrote the script in just ten days, apparently knew the film had such serious depictions of scary events in it that he actually required the parents of his casted teenage actors be on set during filming so they knew exactly what was going on.

The film caught a lot of negative reviews from critics immediately after it was distributed, but even those most critical of the writing, acting, and overall production were keen to note that there was a serious message there involving online predators and some of the dangers of social networking. Clearly, TikTokers who re-visited the film now nearly a decade later must have thought the same way, judging by some of the online reactions to it that we can see!

For those interested in the film even after reading all this, here’s the official trailer for the movie, in which you meet both Megan and Amy and get a sense of the Blair Witch Project-like style Goi was going forward with this found footage genre:


And like we mentioned up top, TikTokers — and quickly thereafter Twitter users, as it went viral on Sunday morning — had a LOT to say about the film itself once they collectively discovered and re-watched it overnight.

For some, it was funny that these TikTok and Twitter users (primarily of Gen Z age) had finally found the decade-old film. And yet for others it was a serious moment to remember a scary, triggering piece of art — a totally legit reaction to a movie that, at the time it was produced, garnered a LOT of serious reaction and emotion from viewers.

Still others mistook it for a documentary which it’s not) and while giving out good-natured warnings about it being triggering, also steered incorrect notions about the nature of the film along the way. So much confusion spreading so quickly!

Here are just a few reactions (below):

What do U think, Perezcious readers? Scary AF, or what?

Cautionary tale about social media and some of the dangers of younger and younger people going online, or just a good ol’ scare??

Sound OFF with your take on Megan Is Missing and the new social media reaction (below)…

[Image via Megan Is Missing/YouTube]