Stephen Belafonte Breaks His Silence Over Mel B's Abuse Accusations -- And His Lawyers Are Calling Bullshit On Everything!

We’ve heard a lot from Mel B over the past couple weeks.
From the moment the shocking divorce news hit, Scary’s scarier hubby Stephen Belafonte has faced a firearms search, abuse allegations, and some pretty nasty relationship reveals to boot.
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But now the producer is fighting back. And he’s coming for Ms. Brown hard.
Belafonte’s lawyers released a statement to TMZ accusing Mel of running “a smear campaign” against their client, saying:

“It’s a shame that Ms. Brown elected not to proceed in a respectful and amicable fashion in this very private matter. In due course, Mr. Belafonte will be filing his response to the outrageous and unfounded allegations made by Ms. Brown, which allegations he vehemently denies.
When the Court determines the truth, it will become clear that this entire charade was nothing more than a smear campaign intended to cover up Ms. Brown’s own conduct during the marriage in light of her current involvement with a family television show, and in an effort to unfairly gain leverage both financially and with respect to custody of the children.”

Um, what conduct of Ms. Brown’s? What are they even alluding to??
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The lawyers didn’t offer any specifics, but they DO say flat-out that they’re going to disprove Mel’s “false depiction” of Stephen:

“When the degree to which Ms. Brown has gone to create a false depiction of her marriage to Mr. Belafonte is uncovered, real victims and survivors of domestic violence and sexual abuse will be understandably offended, angry and upset.
Mr. Belafonte is confident that the truth will come out when he has his day in court at which time he looks forward to being reunited with his children. What matters most to Mr. Belafonte is the safety and well-being of his daughters and step-daughters.”

Damn. It’s he said, she said now.
And this is officially one divorce that is going to be anything but amicable.
[Image via Adriana M. Barraza/WENN.]