Michele Bachmann Inspired True Blood's Religious Extremist Storyline!

Oh this is just rich!!
As any Truebie knows, the town of Bon Temps is always overdosing on its own cocktail of religious politics.
So it’s no surprise that True Blood creator Alan Ball went to the presidential primaries for a lil’ monstrous inspiration:

“My first instinct about going into religion and politics was from watching Michele Bachmann, who thinks she has a direct line to God.
What would happen if she became president? A lot of right-wingers would like to see a theocracy in America. From there we thought, ‘What would a vampire theocracy be and how would you justify it? What kind of impact would it have on humans?'”

And from all that brainstorming comes a CRAZY war between the mainstream Authority and the vampire religious extreme – the Sanguinistas. They’re the ones who think God only made humans to feast on!
Well that explains Rev. Newlin’s role in Season 5! Ha!
June 10 needs to be here NOW! Our thirst is insatiable!!!
[Image via Carrie Devorah/WENN.]