Nick Carter has been accused of sexual assault more than once.
In case you missed it, prior to Dream alum Melissa Schuman‘s shocking rape allegation against the Backstreet Boys member, Radar Online dug up a case file where a fan accused Carter of sexual assault back in ’06.
Though you may already know, it’s this allegation that inspired Melissa to come forward with her own story.
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Apparently, the webloid obtained the damning case file from the Key West Police Department, where the alleged victim detailed an assault she suffered at the hands of the boy bander. Per the report, the unnamed victim met Carter through her cousin as he flew the two down to Key West, FL at the end of March 2006.
After getting picked up by a friend of Nick’s, the cousin duo dropped off their luggage at a residence and proceeded to a Denny’s to meet up with the pop star and his pal, Rob Kalouch. Supposedly, the conversation became unsavory also immediately, as the accuser recalled:
“[Nick] started talking to us about how sometimes he may send girls down, that it’s not the right girls, and that they’re scared that’s how it’s gonna be for us. Like, we were gonna be ugly and fat and stuff. But when we came they said that they knew that it was us and were happy.”
The ladies then accompanied Nick and his squad to check out some real estate before heading out to dinner. She continued:
“Rob, Nick’s friend, he would keep putting his arm around me or something like that. I just wanted to be nice and I didn’t want to, like, put him off or anything like that. But I would, like, try to move.”
The woman became uncomfortable with the situation and decided to tell the men that she had a boyfriend back home in Wisconsin. Reportedly, the men “seemed upset” upon learning this tidbit. Despite informing them of her relationship status, Nick and co. allegedly still pursued her.
This is where things take a dark turn. When they returned to Nick’s friend’s pad, the woman claimed Kalouch brought her into a bathroom. She remembered:
“He pulled me into the bathroom and Nick came in. They were trying to take my top off. I had a tube top on. Um, and they did get it off, and they were touching my chest. And so I was just trying to get my clothes back. I did get them back and I put them back on.”
After Carter left, Rob “put” the woman on her knees and is said to have demanded:
“He didn’t, like, throw me on the floor or anything, but he put me on the floor and he said, ├óΓé¼╦£We have to do this.’ And he already had his ├óΓé¼ΓÇ£ his dick ├óΓé¼ΓÇ£ his dick out.”
Ugh. Through tears, the woman says she performed oral sex for “maybe a minute.” Nick returned to the bathroom with his genitals out and didn’t notice the then 20-year-old girl was crying until half way through. The woman explained:
“I started crying. Then Nick came him. And he had his dick out already, too, and they put my ├óΓé¼ΓÇ£ they moved my head to Nick’s dick and then Nick asked why I was crying. He yelled at Rob and said that, ├óΓé¼╦£You always do this. You always make the girls cry.’ He’s like, ├óΓé¼╦£You can’t do that.'”
The woman said she didn’t try to fight back as she “wasn’t sure what they were capable of.” It’s said Carter eventually tried to comfort the woman and then left the bathroom again. As for Rob, he allegedly took the girl’s hand and placed it on his penis while kissing her. She stopped the assault by “pushing” him away and by “kicking and struggling.”
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When the men left the home, the victim called her boyfriend and a friend for help, but they couldn’t do much because she didn’t know where she was. Upon Carter and co.’s return, the complainant pretended to be asleep. This reportedly did not dissuade Rob from attempting to assault her again. The accuser added:
“Rob came and he had his, you know his dick out and he was trying to unbutton my pants and I would ├óΓé¼ΓÇ£ you know, that’s when I just pushed him away. I said, ├óΓé¼╦£I’m tired. I can’t do this.’ I was like, ├óΓé¼╦£Just leave me alone.'”
In her statement, the woman said both Carter and Kalouch forced her to put her mouth on their genitals without consent. The young woman returned home on March 27, where she had a sexual assault examination kit completed at a hospital. She also reported the incident the West Allis Police Department.
Nick and Rob both refused to speak to investigators and no charges were ever brought against the friends. The case was eventually closed in June 2006. On why no legal action was pursued, a detective wrote in the report:
“The case has been thoroughly investigated, but because of your desire not to pursue or file charges, or due to other arrangements made with the suspect, no further action will be taken by us at this time.”
Carter’s rep has since downplayed this controversy, as they noted in the following statement:
“The fact is that there was insufficient evidence to charge my client (or the friend for that matter), and therefore no charges were ever pursued by the District Attorney. Nick had no physical contact whatsoever with the woman, and definitely did not ‘force her to perform oral sex on him’ or ‘insert his fingers in her vagina.’ The woman fabricated the claims against Nick for one simple reason ├óΓé¼ΓÇ£ she was hoping to extort money from him.”
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[Image via Charlie Steffens/WENN.]