Olympic Figure Skater Evan Lysacek Out Of Sochi Due To Injuries!

Oh no!!
Evan Lysacek will NOT be doing any sow cows (also knowns as Salchows for people who want to be correct instead of fun!) during the Olympic Games in Sochi, because he won’t freakin’ be there! AHHH!
He JUST announced the bad news during an appearance on the Today show due to injuries, including tearing a labrum in his left hip, a groin injury and a sports hernia. The good news is that this isn’t enough to keep him from skating forever, just during the Olympics!
Here’s what he said:

“A lot of what played into that decision (to not attempt to qualify) was that my doctor warned me that if I continued to train with 100 percent certainty the (labrum) injury would get worse, the pain would get worse every single day and I could be doing permanent and severe damage. It’s very difficult for me to say that, but my road to Sochi ends here.”

Evan won a gold medal in 2010, so we were counting on him! He LET US ALL DOWN!
JK, we want him to heal up! He shouldn’t feel like he’s letting anyone down by this decision!
He continued:

“The jumps and the physicality of the sport are incredible, and I think people don’t know that. Right now my focus has to shift from training and preparing for Sochi to getting healthy and trying to heal this injury once and for all. I love to represent my country, and I’m determined to be healthy and skate again and really be the one that decides when it’s over.”

We wanna see you back on the ice at 100% as soon as possible, Evan! Don’t you DARE injure yourself to the point you can never skate again!
P.S. – He isn’t the only one fighting an Olympics threatening injury!!
[Image via Brian To/WENN.]