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Star Seeker

Britney Spears Is Our Hero

Look at her. She just doesn’t care! While most young mothers of two children would stay home on a Monday night, Britney is not like most. While most working women attempting a comeback after having kids would stay in and focus on their career, Spears just doesn’t give a damn. While most recovering addicts would […]

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Lindsay Taking The Right Steps To Recovery

When Lindsay Lohan finishes treatment at the Promises rehab facility in Malibu later this month, she will enroll in the facility’s extended care program, her mother, Dina “Orange Oprah” Lohan revealed to People magazine on Monday. She’s “doing great” says the hard-pAArtying mom. “I talk to her every day. She’s going to do Promises’ extended […]

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When Celebrities Blog: Zach Braff

The Scrubs star just posted the following on his official blog: “I’m not sure when or why the tabloid angle on me was decided that I am a cad. I would have much rather it had been that I am secretly a dentist or that I love soup. I am in fact, merely doing what […]

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Spotted: Janet Jackson in the 4th row of Ertha Kitt‘s 80th birthday celebration at Carnegie Hall in Manhattan on Monday night. Miz Jackson was weepy towards the end when Ertha was crying also, a spywitness tells […]

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New Wino!!!!

CLICK HERE to watch Amy Winehouse‘s new video for Tears Dry On Their Own!!!!! Directed by the brilliant David LaChapelle, the clip was shot in the heart of Hollywood and it’s definitely the most colorful Wino video to date. […]

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