Coronavirus Has Inspired Patricia Arquette To Quit Smoking 'Cold Turkey' -- & She Wants You To Join Her!

Patricia Arquette is using the coronavirus pandemic as motivation to make a huge change: giving up that cig life!

The Boyhood star took to social media this week to encourage her followers to do the same, telling them that she’s using her social distance time as a way to kick start her efforts to quit smoking.

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The 51-year-old wrote on Twitter Monday:

“As COVID-19 attacks the lungs one of the most important things you can do is to quit smoking and vaping. I’m in day 3. Care to join?”

Dozens of followers did care to join, prompting the actress to share other messages of support. In response to a fan who explained how she was also trying to quit smoking after 24 years, Arquette wrote:

“We can do this this f**king virus attacks lungs. We don’t want to be on ventilators. We gotta do it cold turkey.”

The Oscar winner kept it real when asked by another fan how she’s been holding up, saying that quitting so far has been “mostly fine with a few homicidal feelings thrown in.” After another user suggested she try “edibles” to help kick the habit, the star responded:

“I’m ahead of you there.”

Ha! Whatever gets the job done! The mother-of-two later responded to another user who shared a story about losing her own dad to lung cancer back in 2012, recalling that “seeing him go from this strong and seemingly healthy man to skin and bones was the hardest thing I’ve had to see.”

Arquette replied:

“I’m so sorry. Yes, I don’t [want] my kids to go through that.”

The overwhelming reaction fired up the actress so much, she decided to create a name for her new group of Twitter quitters, tweeting:

“We will call our quitters gang THE HELLXATS.”


While some celebs are inspiring others to stay healthy and socially distanced during the COVID-19 pandemic, others are just finding out about it — namely, Jared Leto, who apparently just got back from a 12-day silent meditation retreat in the desert to find the world in utter chaos. The Suicide Squad actor explained on Instagram:

“Wow. 12 days ago I began a silent meditation in the desert. We were totally isolated. No phone, no communication etc. We had no idea what was happening outside the facility. Walked out yesterday into a very different world. One that’s been changed forever. Mind blowing — to say the least. I’m getting messages from friends and family all around the globe and catching up on what’s going on. Hope you and yours are ok. Sending positive energy to all. Stay inside. Stay safe.”

It’s so great to see people responding to this pandemic with positivity and productivity!

[Image via WENN]