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Pink Reveals Marriage Counseling Is 'The Only Reason' She's Still With Carey Hart! Wow!

Pink and Carey Hart credit a lot of their success to marriage counseling!

Sometimes, you’ve just gotta do whatever works best for you!

That’s how Pink and Carey Hart have stayed together all these years, at least! And that’s according to the world-famous singer herself, who opened up a bit about the couple’s marriage successes and the benefits of professional counseling in an interesting Instagram Live chat on Friday evening.

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The 40-year-old singer was speaking to relationship counselor Vanessa Inn about the realities of maintaining a successful marriage, when she opened up and said (below):

“I got a lot of s**t for telling people that Carey and I have been in couples counseling with Vanessa [Inn]. So I talk to Vanessa on my own and I also talk to Vanessa with Carey and for Carey and I. It’s the only reason that we’re still together because you know, I think partners after a long time, we just speak — I can’t say it’s a man and woman thing, I think it’s a partner thing, a spouse thing — that you just speak two different languages.”


carey hart pink
These two have been together for nearly 20 years! / (c) Carey Hart/Instagram

The popular artist continued on from there about her marriage to the 44-year-old motorcycle racer, adding more:

“You need someone to hear both of you and then translate it for you, and without Vanessa translating for me for the last 18 years, I mean we would not be together. We just wouldn’t because we are not taught as kids how to have relationships, how to get along with people. I mean, what’s happening in our country right now is a perfect example of that. We don’t know how to love each other, we don’t know how to get along, we don’t know how to communicate.”

Well said!

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These two have been together for nearly two decades, with two periods of separation mixed in there, as well. And on Friday, Pink spoke about that, too — while recalling one specific past struggle with Carey, and the counseling work that helped them get through it:

“There’s a difference between connection — I think — and intimacy. And intimacy is the part that’s hard for me. There was a moment in couples counseling with Carey, I’ll never forget, in the office I had been complaining about him for years about how he’s just not present, he’s not here, he doesn’t get it, he’s not hearing me emotionally, he’s not even trying to understand my language. And you were like, ‘OK, everybody shut up, stand up, put your hands on each other’s hearts and just look into each other’s eyes.’ And this man that I had been saying won’t show up for me, his feet were planted in that earth, his hand was on my heart and his eyes were looking into my soul and guess what I did? I started giggling and I looked away, and in that moment I realized that I was a little bit full of s**t. I was the one here that was just talking and there have been many of those times.”

Well then!

What do U think, Perezcious readers?!

Sounds like just about everybody might be able to learn something from marriage counseling. That is, after you find a partner first! LOLz!!!

Sound OFF with your take on everything here down in the comments (below)…

[Image via FayesVision/WENN]

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Jun 21, 2020 14:41pm PDT