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Police Confirm 'Missing' Rudy Farias Was Living At Home The Whole Time -- And Now His Mom Has Gone On The Run?!

The case of Rudolph “Rudy” Farias is only getting more confusing — and more complicated.

In 2015, Rudy’s mother Janie Santana reported her then 17-year-old son missing after he went for a walk with his two dogs and never returned. For the next eight years, she went on the hunt for her son who seemingly vanished into thin air. His family said at the time of his disappearance he was suffering from PTSD, anxiety, and depression, and were worried perhaps he had been kidnapped and sold into sex slavery. Just last Thursday, after nearly a decade, Rudy was suddenly back in the picture.

Someone who was walking by a church in Houston called the police when they noticed an unconscious man lying on the ground near the building. Upon the Houston Police Department‘s arrival to the scene, they were able to identify the now 25-year-old man as Rudy and reconnect him with his family. His seemingly relieved mother told multiple outlets she believed he had been beaten and abused. She claimed she had no idea where he was for the past eight years, and she wasn’t getting many answers because her son had gone nonverbal and was clearly suffering from the trauma.

But that’s when neighbors stepped in with some conflicting — and quite frankly disturbing — reports.

Speaking to ABC13 yesterday, several neighbors claimed Rudy was never missing at all! They told stories of how over the years the supposed missing man had been living with his mom ever since his “disappearance” and how he was a good friend they knew as Dolph. Janie wasn’t having it, though, and quickly argued the man the neighbors were seeing was Rudy’s cousin — and even tried to back up her claim with pictures — but said neighbors denied this was the man they were friends with. Hmm…

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But then a bomb dropped. Local Texas activist Quanell X spoke to KHOU11 on Wednesday accusing the boy’s mother of purposefully hiding her son away from the world. He even claimed she sexually abused him:

“She would ask him to play daddy, she told him that he had to be the husband.”

While alleging Rudy returned home just two days after he was reported missing, Quanell X said Janie told her son to keep his return a secret. He also said she allegedly manipulated him into hiding for YEARS:

“She was giving him drugs. She was punishing him by locking him in a room over and over. She convinced him that law enforcement wanted to put him in jail, that law enforcement was looking for him because he ran away and that because he ran away, he was going to go to prison … She hid from her family. That was wrong and awful.”

So, so awful…

And the worst part is the police CONFIRMED some of what the activist said! In a press conference on Thursday morning, the HPD said Rudy did in fact return home right after he was reported missing by his mother. Janie was apparently deceiving police intentionally and hiding her son’s return:

“Rudy’s mother continued to deceive police by remaining adamant that he was still missing. She said her nephew was the person friends and family were seeing coming and going, however, we disputed that.”

During the time police believed Rudy to be missing, he even had contact with police officers! But his mom gave fake names and aliases to protect their identities:

“During these contacts, fictitious names and dates of births were given.”


During the 25-year-old’s interview with police on Wednesday at a hotel, though, they were able to confirm that he didn’t allege any sexual abuse at this time like Quanell X originally had:

“If there is a disclosure made, we will continue to investigate. We do take all allegations seriously and any new information or facts that we receive will be investigated.”

Even through all the lies and deception, though, Janie has somehow avoided all charges thus far — but the investigation team isn’t giving up:

“We’re gonna work our way through, it takes a little while. There’s a lot of developments still, even last night.”

At the end of their statement, the PD confirmed Rudy is with his mother right now:

“Rudy is safe. He is with his mother by choice.”

You can watch the full press conference with the HPD (below):

On Thursday afternoon, though, Janie’s sister held her own press conference and is calling BS on the decision not to charge her. She claims her sister is a liar and is only getting away with these things because she has connections with the PD through her late husband who died by suicide in 2014:

“Janie is a hypothetical liar. I’m not quite sure, but I’m gonna have to say she knows a lot of people in HPD and that’s why her freaking ass has been covered up.”

She claimed during the interview with Rudy on Wednesday, the police even had Janie in handcuffs, but were forced to let her go because the District Attorney’s Office denied any charges:

“Why in the freaking world did they let her go? It’s bulls**t … [Why hasn’t she been charged] for falsifying that [Rudy] had been kidnapped, which was not true, that he had been taken to Mexico, that he had been spotted in other states. She had people all over the United States looking for him.”

The family is also very defensive of Quanell X’s statement:

“His statement should have been brought up because Quanell is here to help.”

And with another HUGE bombshell — Janie’s sister said Rudy was NEVER in the hospital after he was found at the church! She said the photos his mom is sharing with the media were from 2012, and that’s why she wasn’t showing his face in any of them. She further went on to send a message to Rudy in her statement:

“… We love you, your aunts, your cousins, we stand behind you and we are right here with you.”

So scary! And so confusing… it seems like everyone that’s close to Rudy is disagreeing with all the things Janie is saying.

Which, this isn’t the only time the mother has been caught doing some shady things. GoFundMe has actually BANNED her from ever using their services again after she pocketed about $2k from a campaign set up in 2015 when she first alleged her son’s disappearance. In their response, the company said:

“GoFundMe has zero tolerance for the misuse of our platform and cooperates with law enforcement investigations and those accused of wrongdoing. Our trust and safety team takes swift action against those who exploit the generosity of our community, including with the outright removal of a fundraiser, banning an account for violating our terms of service, and even pursuing potential legal recourse.”

Furthermore, a Facebook account has been linked back to Janie. According to Newsweek, they claimed they were able to confirm the social media account belonged to a phone number that was linked to the mom. On the Facebook page, a post by her alleged alias Clow Barbie was asking for help finding her son named Gabriel. In the post, it featured a photo which is believed to be of Rudy all grown up. Since then, the post has been suspiciously deleted.

Was this possibly Janie under a fake name trying to claim Rudy was missing AGAIN??

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The investigation is ongoing, and there’s still a chance both Janie AND Rudy could be charged — but right now, nobody is able to get ahold of them! Just hours after being interviewed about her son’s disappearance, the mother allegedly went on the run. She reportedly fled her home shortly after midnight on Thursday, and has yet to return. Reporters from KHOU 11 have been at her house waiting to see if she’ll come back, but so far no luck.

You can watch the video for more info (below):

It’s definitely not a good look on her part for all these allegations to be stacked up against her, and she just vanish! So wild…

This case seems to have much more to it than any of us originally thought. We’ll be sure to keep you updated as more information becomes available. Until then, we continue to hope for the best and send love and healing to Rudy.

[Image via KHOU 11/WFAA/YouTube/Texas Center for the Missing]