Prince William

Here’s Why ‘Prince Of Pegging’ Was Trending With ‘Prince William Affair’!

Prince William just cannot escape those affair rumors – no matter how much the institution tries to cover it up!

As you may have noticed Thursday, the good ol’ hashtag “Prince William Affair” was trending again on Twitter. Now, it’s not a new royal secret since whispers of an alleged affair between the 40-year-old royal and a woman named Rose Hanbury have plagued him and Kate Middleton for years. But this time the hashtag was paired with a much more jaw-dropping hashtag that deemed William the “Prince Of Pegging.” Yeah, we are not joking here!

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It all started when celebrity gossip account DeuxMoi shared a blind item on Instagram Stories earlier this week about an alleged “British royal’s extramarital affair” – specifically, the reason why the unnamed royal has been stepping out on his wife for so long. It read:

“This is so salacious I’m almost too shook to share with you (but will anyway). This British royal’s extramarital affair is an open secret in London and amongst the English artisto set, and is the talk of every party and newsdesk. At a recent media party, I was told the real reason for the affair was the royal’s love of pegging, which his wife is far too old fashioned to engage in. The wife doesn’t mind her and in fact prefers her husband getting his sexual needs met elsewhere, as long as things don’t become emotional, which was the case with the last woman.”

Thus, the hashtag “Prince Of Pegging” was quickly born and started trending on social media! And knowing what pegging means is essential to understanding the nuances of just how surprising this anonymous bit of info is. To be totally blunt, it’s when someone performs anal on someone else by using a strap-on.

While it’s unclear which royal this blind is allegedly about, there is one person folks are pointing fingers at right now. Naturally, many social media users decided that this juicy tidbit referred to William, considering how his rumored affair with Rose caused some marital strife between the Cambridges.

In case you didn’t know, speculation was circulating around British high society for months in 2019 before it reached the tabloids that William cheated on Kate with her close friend, the Marchioness of Cholmondeley. Making matters worse, their love affair happened between late 2017 through early 2018 while the duchess was pregnant with Prince Louis. Mind you, she was suffering from hyperemesis gravidarum – meaning she was dealing with terrible morning sickness around the clock.

So not only does he allegedly cheat on Kate with her pal Rose, but he does so while she is dealing with some issues during her pregnancy. That is just f**ked up…

As for why it took forever for the juicy gossip to come out? While the palace does not normally engage in any rumors about the royal fam, they seemingly tried their best to bury this one as much as possible. Times of London reporter Giles Coren actually confirmed the affair on Twitter, but the tweet was deleted due to legal pressures. Another publication also reportedly received a warning from the royal’s law firm, Harbottle and Lewis.

As the Firm did everything they could to stop these rumors from spreading even more in the press, though, they seemingly turned a blind eye to all of the brutal headlines about another royal: Meghan Markle. Many people even pointed this out on social media this week when #PrinceOfPegging was trending, writing:

“I don’t care if Prince William indulges in extra marital affairs. I don’t care if he likes a bit of pegging. I do care though that he and his wife used Meghan as a distraction from their lives being talked about. #PrinceWilliamAffair #PrinceOfPegging”

“There is nothing wrong with prince William and his *alleged love for pegging. The problem is that he threw media hate to his brother and sister in-law so that his affair would be kept out of the press.”

“William literally drove his brother and Meghan out of the family and out of the country and is undoubtedly still having his people engage in a smear campaign against them. And why? To distract from his love of pegging? Ffs #PrinceOfPegging #princewilliamaffair”

“Again, its not the affair(s) or the pegging. Both are fine amongst consenting adults. Its that he used Systematic Racism and Mental Abuse to throw his Sister-In-Law under the bus, to cover up the #Affairs and the #Pegging. #princewilliamaffair #PrinceOfPegging”

However, some royal family supports offered a different take, believing this new piece of gossip was meant to distract everyone from the recent scathing headlines about Prince Harry and the Duchess of Sussex:

“#princewilliamaffair & Pegging Trending Today’s a coordinated smear campaign for Prince William after insulting brother who got it, to drain the eyes news that he made taxpayers pay in his court. I know’s that William’s a very cool person, Many envy Kate. #PrinceWilliamIsAKing.”

Of course, like any other blind post on DeuxMoi, nothing has been confirmed whatsoever, and we highly doubt that William or Kate will ever comment on or acknowledge the latest hashtags, so take this claim with a grain of salt! But we would not be surprised if the palace tried to silence these latest accusations as soon as possible. Maybe by releasing those results from the investigation into Meghan’s alleged bullying?

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[Image via WENN]