New RHONY Cast Revealed: American Royalty!!!

The new cast of Real Housewives of New York looks intense!!
We’re totally gonna miss Kelly Bensimon‘s on-camera antics… and how will we ever survive without the turbulent friendship of Bethenny Frankel and Jill Zarin???
BUT, all that being said, let’s at least learn about these new queens that we already guessed a while ago
Aviva Drescher: She’s Fran‘s relative, and Franny totally dissed reality television – HIGHlarious! Also, her left ankle and foot were lost in a tragic barn accident, but she keeps on truckin! Such a trooper!!
Carole Radziwill: This one is commonly referred to as American Royalty… As the widow of late Prince Anthony, she’s fam with Jackie O! She’s also a writer for Glamour and used to be an ABC News producer… FANCY ALERT!!
Heather Thomsen: And finally, we have the lovely fashion designer behind Yummie Tummie… this business woman has two babehs!! Werkin’ mom!!
Oh boy!! The Countess is in for some ah-may-zing new friendships, isn’t she??? We can’t wait to see how all of this first class drama plays out…
[Image via AP Images.]