Sacha Baron Cohen

Sacha Baron Cohen: 'I Genuinely Feared For My Life' At Right-Wing Rally While Filming Borat 2

Sacha Baron Cohen went to truly great lengths to finish filming Borat 2: Subsequent Moviefilm.

Honestly, to hear him tell stories like these, maybe the lengths he went to were too great just to get the movie done, considering how seriously he put himself in harm’s way during the shoot.

Related: Sacha Says Social Media Is ‘The Greatest Propaganda Machine’ In History

In a new op-ed for TIME that was published this week, the actor and screenwriter opens up about the dangers he faced while putting together the sequel focusing on his popular Borat character.

And he gets down to details at one point, writing about an incident that apparently occurred during a right-wing gun-rights rally in Washington where he made an appearance in character.

Recalling the fear that enveloped him while at the rally that time, he wrote (below):

“A few times in my career, I have genuinely feared for my life. While filming my latest Borat film, I showed up as a right-wing singer at a gun-rights rally in Washington State. When organizers finally stormed the stage, I rushed to a nearby get-away vehicle. An angry crowd blocked our way and started pounding on the vehicle with their fists. I was wearing a bulletproof vest, but it felt inadequate with some people outside toting semiautomatic weapons. When someone ripped open the door to drag me out, I used my entire body weight to pull the door back shut until our vehicle maneuvered free. I was fortunate to make it out in one piece. The next few weeks will determine whether America will be so lucky.”


Back in June, KING 5 News in the Pacific Northwest covered the story of Cohen in disguise singing at the rally. As you can see on the YouTube video itself (click HERE to watch), the timeline and description matches up with some of the details that Cohen shares in that very same op-ed, though it’s unknown whether any of the scarier moments were captured on tape.

Related: Roy Moore Sues Sacha Baron Cohen For Defamation After Interview!

Still, it must have been quite the ordeal for him once rally organizers discovered they’d been had. Funny to watch, but man, to be there, either as Cohen or with his crew… yikes.

You can watch Borat: Subsequent Moviefilm soon, as it premieres in less than two weeks now — on Friday, October 23 — on Amazon Prime.

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[Image via WENN/Avalon/YouTube]