Sam Worthington Arrested For Punching A Photog In The Face, But The Reason For His Attack Might Make You Side With Him!

Do we have someone trying to steal Kanye West‘s side job??
Sam Worthington better watch himself or he’s going to find himself with a Yeezy reputation in no time! After all, this isn’t his first time getting in trouble with the law.
And now, as you see, over the weekend Sam found himself on the wrong side of the law as he was arrested for assaulting a photographer!
He allegedly punched the pap, Li Shang, in the face while in the Greenwich Village, New York area. He has been charged with assault and given a ticket to appear in court.
BUT! That isn’t the most inneresting part of this tale. Because Sam didn’t just punch the guy for punching sake, he was apparently protecting his lady Lara Bingle!
We hear that while they were exiting the local bar, the photographer actually KICKED Lara and that’s when Sam got involved.
Because of that little attack, the pap was also arrested and booked for reckless endangerment, assault, and harassment.
We’re not saying we at all approve of Sam’s actions because violence is never the answer, but at least we know he wasn’t just going around punching a guy for the hellz of it this weekend.
But maybe next time he can protect his lovely lady by just calling the cops on the other guy. That way you don’t have to go down with the bad guy!
[Image via BauerGriffinOnline.]