Scott Disick Jokes About Running For President -- Looks Like Kanye West May Have Some Competition!

Watch out, Kanye West!
On Monday, Scott Disick took to Instagram to share a HIGHlarious meme that says he’s running for President. LOLz!
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He posted:

Umm, AH-Mazing! Still, we have a feeling that Lord Disick has no intention of actually running for office — it sounds like a lot of work for him.
Nonetheless, we can’t help but imagine what a debate between these two controversial celebs would be like. HA!
Many of his 14.5 million followers had mixed reviews about the prospects of having a President Disick. One follower noted:

“Manage ur family first bro ├░┼╕╦£ΓÇÜ”

Ouch! Tell us how you REALLY feel, man!
Another fan commented:

“We have Trump running anything is possible now.”

That’s unfortunately pretty accurate. But hey, if Scott can become English “royalty,” he might be willing to try his hand at running for office too.
Someone help us. HA!
[Image via WENN.]