Senate Blocks Four Gun Control Proposals In The Wake Of The Orlando Shooting

After Connecticut Senator Chris Murphy‘s 14-hour filibuster on Wednesday prompted a vote on gun control regulations, we hoped something was FINALLY going to change.
Instead, the Senate has blocked four proposals during the vote on Monday.
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The Democratic politician held the filibuster in the wake of the June 12 shooting at Orlando’s Pulse gay club that killed 49 people and injured dozens.
But even this terrible tragedy couldn’t get the two parties in the Senate to agree on a measure.
Iowa Senator Charles Grassley pitched a plan that would increase money for background checks. However, it overhauled language that prevented people with mental illness from purchasing firearms.
But, Democratic opponents felt it would diminish the protections that are already in place, and it was shot down in a 53-47 vote.
Senator Murphy suggested a measure that would expand background checks to include private gun sales, eliminating almost all loopholes.
However, Republicans blocked this vote with a 44-56 count.
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Texas Republican Senator John Cornyn proposed that the government could refuse to sell weapons to a known or suspected terrorist, but there was a catch.
The sale would only be denied if prosecutors could convince a judge that the prospective gun owner was involved with terrorism. And they would only have three days to do it.
That vote failed at 53-47.
And finally, California Democratic Senator Dianne Feinstein also wanted to allow the government to block sales to people who are known or suspected terrorists, without having to go through a judge.
As of right now, federally-licensed gun dealers can turn away buyers for several reasons, but there is no specific rule that applies to people on the terrorist watch list.
But, Dianne’s plan also didn’t pass, with a vote of 43-57.
You’d think that since both parties wanted to prevent sales to known or suspected terrorists that they’d at least be able to compromise on THAT reform.
But unfortunately, they didn’t, because not one of those four proposals received the 60 votes required to pass. So frustrating.
Are you disappointed by this news, Perezcious readers?
[Image via AP Images.]