Seth Rogen

Seth Rogen's Wife Lauren Had A Deadly Brain Aneurysm Removed!

Seth Rogen‘s wife, Lauren Miller Rogen, has long been an advocate for brain health — and now she’s telling her own terrifying story.

On Wednesday night, the 42-year-old actress gave a speech at the UCLA Department of Neurosurgery Visionary Ball — and surprisingly revealed she had a health scare last year. Since her mother and her grandmother both suffered from dementia, she decided not to take any chances — and got a full body MRI five years ago.

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The Hilarity for Charity co-founder said she wanted “to take a deeper look at anything that could possibly be lurking inside me that would affect my longevity.” And it’s a good thing she took the precaution because doctors ended up finding an aneurysm in her brain! She explained:

“They found, of course, this sort of aneurysm in my head. So of course, this was terrifying information, and made me think of my great-grandmother, whose fate I certainly didn’t want to mimic.”

The situation, albeit terrifying, wasn’t urgent at the time, so she continued on with regular checkups to monitor the situation closely. And one day everything came to a head, so to speak:

“Fortunately, it was relatively small, and I did what the doctors recommended that I do, which is have annual MRIs [to] track the size. It remained small, until it didn’t.”

Four years after they discovered the aneurysm, in spring 2022, the aneurysm started to grow. It was at this point her neurosurgeon Geoffrey Colby recommended she get surgery right away to remove it. So scary! Luckily, Dr. Colby made her feel very “comfortable” about everything and “answered every single question” she had ahead of the procedure.

Lauren went under the knife to get the aneurysm removed, and the operation was a success! She also said she’s been getting regular checkups since then to ensure she’s as good as new:

“I’m truly endlessly grateful to Dr. Colby, his entire team, and the entire staff at UCLA who guided us through this scary experience that I’m truly grateful to have overcome.”

She ended her speech with an extremely powerful statement, saying:

“I’m truly thankful that I won’t be dying at this dinner table or any others anytime soon.”

We’re so glad to hear Lauren is doing okay and her surgery was successful. What a horrifying situation to go through, and she handled it so well — her strength is truly admirable.

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[Image via MEGA/WENN]