Quick Tip Of The Day

Leather can be intimidating. It’s certainly not for the faint of heart!
However, there are ways to wear it without feeling like a dominatrix or a member of Hell’s Angels.
Check out some tips from style maven Christina Pombo on how to do leather right:

“A must-have for your New Year wardrobe is leather! If you├óΓé¼Γäóre not used to this sleek and sexy look, I would recommend starting with a leather jacket. Over a flirty dress or with your skinny jeans and a tee you can├óΓé¼Γäót go wrong. Then get your sexy back by moving towards leather pants or shorts. But keep it classy, ladies! Pair it with a sophisticated top much like Kim Kardashian and Eva Longoria.”

So the next time you want to spice up your wardrobe, remember these tips from Christina, and rock that leather, baby!
For more quick tips and fashion advice, tweet Christina at @StylistXtina.
[Image via Mavrix Online/WENN.]