What The Tabs Are Talking About!

Oooh goodie! Our favorite time of the week!! Right behind shocking divorce Monday and sex tape Thursday!
Let’s see what we have here this time….
Angelina Jolie‘s assistant tells all, huh? You mean to tell us this chick would actually breach the extremely well put together confidentiality contract to tell a tab all about Angie’s supposed antics? Ha! We doubt it, but the fanficton is juicy nonetheless!
Uh-Oh! There’s a dire warning for Jessica Simpson and baby! Yeah, Jessica, don’t eat Flintstones vitamins if you don’t want your baby turning into a dinosaur! RAWR!
More Kim Kardashian divorce details! Kris Humphries‘ family is spilling all the dirty deets! What? That the “sources” are the Kardashians themselves?
OMG! Hollywood Stylists tell all!! Yes, please! What do celebrities vent when they’re getting their extensions tied on??