Taylor Swift Knits It Before She Quits It At The InStyle & Warner Bros. Golden Globes After Party!

Surprise, surprise — Taylor Swift has nailed it AGAIN!
After stunning us with her red-iness to rock the Golden Globes red carpet last night, Swifty hit up the InStyle and Warner Bros. Golden Globe Awards post-party.
She arrived wearing a knitted, curve-hugging Julien Macdonald dress that looked alllllllll sorts of slinky and seksi on her. And will you just LOOK at how fit her legs are???
SO glad we didn’t have to miss out on those, and we’re loving how much her second choice contrasts her earlier ball gown look!!
Then, to top off an already AH-mazing look, Tay went for Jimmy Choo sandals and statement Lorraine Schwartz jewels. They were totes the perfect pairings, don’t cha think??
Never stop slaying us, Miz Swift!!
P.S. CLICK HERE to see all the best looks from last night’s Golden Globes!
[Image via BauerGriffinOnline.]