Teddy Bear The Porcupine Predicts The Winner Of Super Bowl XLVIII! Seahawks Vs. Broncos! Who Will Be The Champs??

Teddy‘s back!
No, not OUR Teddy, but Teddy Bear the porcupine, the little, prickly cutie who loooooves pumpkin!
Well he has some real talents, more than just the ability to talk in his own special language and be super adorbz…
He can predict the future!
Right now, the question on everyone├óΓé¼Γäós minds is, “Who will win Super Bowl XLVIII??”
Well, it turns out Teddy, predicted this year’s champs among the Seattle Seahawks or the Denver Broncos! He’s picked correctly the past two years so our money is whomever he chose, which you see by watching (above)!!!
P.S. Teddy’s owners who posted the vid have asked, “please, no death threats this year. Teddy Bear is just a simple porcupine that likes corn. He doesn’t even know what a football is. This is solely for fun and entertainment.”
Who is so heartless to threaten a porcupine?!?!?
Check out the vid AFTER THE JUMP!!!