Woman From Viral Airplane Punching Video Is Threatening To SUE The Airline For Defamation!

Wendi WIlliams, the woman whose video of a man punching the back of her reclined seat on an American Airlines flight went viral this week, is now threatening to sue the airline directly.

Williams reportedly told TMZ she is going after AA because a rep for the company told the outlet she knocked over the man’s drink when she initially reclined her seat. Now, Wendi is speaking out to deny that claim and threaten legal action against the company for making it seem like she started the whole ordeal!

Yeah, if you thought #ReclineGate was ending anytime soon, think again!

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Williams alleges the statement was defamatory and the flight attendant’s comments to her on the plane were straight-up slanderous! As we reported, Wendi was served with a “passenger disturbance notice” for recording the man’s behavior and was immediately asked to delete the clip. She told the outlet the attendant called her a “bad person” but in her own defense, she also claimed she was respectful to everyone else on the plane and didn’t make a scene.

On Friday, Williams directly referenced AA’s claim in a tweet:

“@AmericanAir Please refrain from placing any blame about what happened to me on your awful airline with your rude flight attendant! And if I inadvertently spilled a drink on the “man” – I had NO idea that happened. Who said it did @AmericanAir?”

In addition to sharing concerns about her pre-existing neck condition and physical damage suffered from the incident, Wendi made it clear she’s the victim in this situation and is insisting American Airlines pay for her medical expenses to get checked out. TMZ reports that AA does not plan on giving in to Williams’ demands because they consider it a “passenger vs. passenger” dispute and they also do not intend on pursuing this case with authorities.

It’s worth noting that Williams also claimed she does not plan on to sue the man in the video but she does want his identity revealed.

It sounds like neither side plans on giving in if you ask us! The optics of this whole thing is just terrible. To think this all escalated over the right to recline your seat on cramped commercial flights. If you haven’t checked out the viral clip yet, get a good look at it here:

We ran a poll and our readers overwhelmingly voted that it is NOT a big deal to recline your seat on an airplane.

Delta CEO Ed Sebastian recently chimed in on the conversation and asserted that people should ask permission before they recline their seats. As for Wendi, she told TMZ airlines should be the ones determining if it’s an issue, not fellow passengers.

Adding to her threats against AA, she told the outlet:

“They have pushed me way too far, literally and figuratively.”

Perezcious readers, do YOU think this whole thing has gone too far?

[Image via YouTube.]