
Wendy Williams' Allegedly Unfaithful Husband Taking Over Booking For Her Show, Only Wants 'Loyal' Guests!

Wendy Williams allegedly unfaithful husband is making sure her talk show only books guests that will treat her right. 
According to RadarOnline, Kevin Hunter has completely taken over booking for the Wendy Williams Show while his wife continues to stay out of the spotlight due to health troubles — a shake up that apparently isn’t sitting well with many of the show’s staffers.
A source told the outlet that Hunter “is demanding approval over everyone who is booked on the show” and “will not allow anyone on the show who he doesn’t think is 100% loyal to him and Wendy.” Inneresting…
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The insider explained that Hunter’s team is pulling out all the stops to ensure the show does not book a single guest that could in any way be deemed controversial, continuing:

“His team researches every guest’s social media accounts, and if anyone has ever said anything he thinks is negative, even as a joke, they have been banned.”

We guess Kevin Hart won’t be stopping by anytime soon…
Wendy staffers feel Hunter is “making things even more difficult” with this crack down, as the show has always struggled to book A-list guests. The source added:

“Staffers have renamed the show, The Kevin Show, Featuring Wendy!”

The timing of Hunter’s reported helicopter producing is interesting seeing that it comes on the heels of new rumors that his longtime mistress Sharina Hudson is pregnant with his baby.
On top of coping with the cheating rumors, Wendy has been dealing with a fractured shoulder and complications with her Graves Disease. More than anything, it sounds like Hunter wants to prove he’s “100% loyal” to Wendy — or at least worth keeping around.
As we reported last week, Wendy announced she was extending her hiatus and would return to the show on January 28.
Do U think her husband is making things better or worse? 
[Image via WENN]