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Woman Brings Car Into Shop And Mechanics Find Human Teeth & Hair In The Grill! WHAT?!

A woman in New Jersey brought her car into the shop for service this week, and mechanics quickly discovered something extremely amiss with the automobile: there were HUMAN HAIR AND TEETH embedded in the front!

Wait… what?!?!

According to NBC New York, the unnamed woman’s car was sent in for service at the Goodyear Service Center in the city of Linden, NJ, on Monday morning for what should have been a normal job after she “felt something” while driving and wanted to get it checked out.

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When it came time for the company’s mechanics to perform their duties, they were shocked when they reportedly “found human teeth embedded in the car’s grill, and human hair in the undercarriage.” Understandably concerned with the discovery, an employee put the car up onto a servicing left to hold it securely while he called the Linden Police Department.

The cops showed up and took a look, and quickly went so far as to order a forensic investigation into the presence of the teeth and hair. At first, investigators believed the concerning contents might belong to a deer, or some other animal. However, the forensic work came back quickly and it was confirmed they were actually human remains.

Holy s**t!

When cops questioned the woman involved, they determined that she had been driving one of several cars that had struck a man who was pushing a shopping cart on the New Jersey Turnpike back on December 29 of last year. The man was killed on the highway that night, and then run over by several cars in the aftermath, including this woman’s vehicle. Hence, mechanics made the discovery of human remains after the fact.

Linden Police Captain Christopher Guenther reported to local news outlets that cops are confident that the woman was not involved in any other collision, saying (below):

“She may have thought she ran over some kind of debris, but as it turned out it was some remains. She wasn’t the initial striking vehicle, and for whatever reason, this stuff was underneath her car for around a month. … For whatever reason, these body parts were not discovered during the initial investigation.”


The case has now been turned over to the Essex County Medical Examiner for any potential follow-up. Even so, no charges have been filed against the woman who brought her car to the service center, and police do not anticipate any further work on the case from here.

So unsettling…

[Image via News 12/YouTube]