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Adam Lambert

Adam Lambert Joins Iggy Azalea As The Next Judge On X Factor Australia! See His Excited Announcement!

Adam Lambert Joins Iggy Azalea As The Next Judge On X Factor Australia! See His Excited Announcement!

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What a thrilling time for Adam Lambert!
Following Iggy Azalea‘s X Factor Australia announcement about a week ago, Adam took to Twitter on Tuesday to reveal that he’ll also join the show as its THIRD judge for season eight.
Singer-songwriter Guy Sebastian signed onto the competition just yesterday.
Video: Watch Taylor Shake It Off For X Factor Australia!
Considering A.L. is a former American Idol star (he also appeared on AI as a guest judge last year), we imagine he’ll be a great fit for the role. It will also be interesting to see how the singer and Iggy act towards each other — they’re both self-admitted divas, after all!
So, without further ado, check out the 34-year-old’s announcement (below)!

“Big news”, indeed!
The creative went on to gush to The Telegraph:

“I am very excited to join X Factor in Australia and am looking forward to helping people shine their brightest. Australia has always been one of my favorite places to tour. The Aussies I’ve met are so kind and good humored — so the thought of getting to live in Sydney is exciting.”

It sounds like Adam has found his next dream job. Now all he has to do is finish up his tour with Queen and he’s all set to judge!
So, what do YOU think of this choice?
[Image via WENN.]

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Jun 21, 2016 14:27pm PDT