Is Amy Schumer Working To Help Victims Of Gun Violence After The Louisiana Theater Shootings?

She may be funny, but she can also get things done — especially when it really counts.
Comedian Amy Schumer is still saddened, as we all are, after the theater shootings in Lafayette, Louisiana that killed two people and the shooter during her new film Trainwreck.
[ Related: Meet The Lafayette Shooting’s Innocent Victims ]
Only Schumer is in a unique position to do something about it as a public figure — and it appears that is just what she’s going to do!
A woman named Sarah Clements — whose mom survived the terrifying Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting in 2012 — published a blog post on Friday asking Schumer to speak out on gun violence and demand legislative change after the shootings in Louisiana.
On Saturday morning, Schumer responded on Twitter:

We don’t know what she has in store yet, but any sort of positive work towards gun safety — especially with celebrities like Schumer involved — could go a long way to ensure movie theater shootings like Lafayette never happen again.
[Image via Dennis Van Tine/Future Image/WENN.]