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Legal Matters

Blagojevich Convicted...Barely

Looks like the former Governor of Illinois is in luck!
Rod Blagojevich was convicted of giving false information to feds, but he got away with 23 other charges due to a Hung Jury!
The Jurors were in deliberation for 14 days, but they just couldn’t come together to convict him on the major corruption charges. Good for you douchebag Blago, good for you!
Blago’s more serious charges included racketeering, wire fraud, attempted extortion, and bribery.
Bribery, eh? We HOPE you didn’t bribe any members of that jury, Blago. We really hope not.
What do U think of the verdict of the Blago trial?
[Image via WENN.]

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Aug 17, 2010 19:49pm PDT

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