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50 Shades Of Grey

50 Shades Screenwriter: Bret Easton Ellis Is Pissed!

Oh deary dear!
Not so surprisingly, iconic American writer Bret Easton Ellis, the man who has been promoting himself via Twitter as the perfect candidate to adapt Fifty Shades of Grey into a screenplay, AND who has been very vocal about the film’s potential cast, is NOT super psyched that Terra Nova executive producer Kelly Marcel got the job.
In fact, he’s SO offended by the decision, Mr. Ellis tweeted his frustration, blasting:

“Kelly Marcel?!? KELLY MARCEL?!? Kelly Marcel is WRITING the script for ‘Fifty Shades of Grey’?!? THIS is the movie they want to make? ARGH.
Kelly Marcel: the creator of (gulp) ‘Terra Nova’ and a Mary Poppins bio-pic has been blessed by EL James and no one can stop her. Dear God.”

Mizz. Marcel has NOT responded to the contentious tweets, but one Fifty Shades producer tweeted in defense of the decision, posting (a since deleted tweet):

“@BretEastonEllis Really, Bret? The day you release that ‘trailer’. School film? You’re losing it…,”

Now now, boys!
But seriously, we wonder why Bret is SO passionate about Fifty Shades?! Could it be the book’s exceptional writing? The complex characters? Layered plot?!
Well, whatever the reason, it doesn’t warrant him attacking another writer’s talent! And maybe he should stop worrying about Christian’s Red Room of Pain and concentrate on promoting that, um inneresting filmy film of his, The Canyons.

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Oct 09, 2012 10:21am PDT

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