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Cheetah Cub Duo Livin' Life In The Fast Lane!

Cheetah Cub Duo Livin' Life In The Fast Lane!


These two are just too precious for words!

But we’ll try our best to vocalize our thoughts!

Two cheetah cubs have been electrifying visitors at the Chester Zoo with their playful attitude and fun antics!

Here’s what the zoo’s team manager said:

“They’re very, very playful and a real handful for mum. But she’s exceptionally good with them and doing a great job of bringing them up.”

Aww! That’s so sweet!!!

The twin duo are a boy and a girl and are almost four months!

Many worry there are less than 250 remaining Northern Cheetahs remaining – so the birth of these two is an even bigger success than anyone can imagine!

Lets keep ’em safe and the pictures coming!

Check out more photos (below) !!!

[Image via Chester Zoo.]

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Aug 06, 2013 10:08am PDT

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