These two went from such a sweet, loving couple to a freakin’ cautionary tale! The moral of this fairy tale? F**kboy behavior knows no age limit.
If you’ve missed the drama, the story goes Lily Allen and David Harbour split up just before the holidays. After five years together, we guess he got bored or something? Because word is Lily suspected hubby of cheating so she got on Raya to check out who he might be checking out. She also cross-referenced those women with celebs in NYC that he followed on Instagram. And since they broke up, it sounds like she was right about him being on the lookout for some Stranger Things.
The whole mess has obliterated Lily. The Smile singer reportedly checked herself into a trauma treatment center to get her head right after revealing to Miss Me? podcast listeners that she was “spiraling” and “not in a good place.”
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Just awful! So where is David during all this? Taking the time to comfort her? Watching her girls while she figures all this out? Contemplating the breakup with his own depression at home?
Nope! He’s out having a grand ol’ time watching basketball! The Thunderbolts star was photographed living it up at a star-studded New York Knicks game on Sunday!
Lily Allen’s estranged husband David Harbour looks in great spirits as he enjoys basketball game in New York while singer checks into £8,000-a-week trauma centre
— Daily Mail Celebrity (@DailyMailCeleb) January 13, 2025
To us it seemed like he was genuinely having a good time, not a care in the world — certainly not any stress about his wife’s trauma! But what does a professional think??

The Mirror enlisted the help of body language expert Judi James to assess David’s mental state, and she said:
“There are often signals of suppressed pain, regret and sadness after a marriage split and there can be bravado in the face of emotional hurt, but David Harbour’s body language here, with his wife said to be checking into a trauma unit, suggests something different.”
Oh? What’s that??
“The poses of him enjoying the game with an open mouth laugh suggests he’s not wanting to signal any kind of sitting indoors pining or worrying. It suggests an open desire to suggest good humor and enjoying life.”
“Wanting to signal” he didn’t care? So Lily would see? Harsh if true. She added:
“His look straight into the camera seems to involve an eye smile and an asymmetric grin and that top of a thumb visible could possibly be part of a thumbs-up signal usually associated with letting people know everything’s ok.”
Um… a thumbs up and a smile mean “everything’s ok”? We may not be body language pros, but we actually did pick up on that subtle hint.
But one thing she said caught us by surprise! She referred to the couple’s other times:
“Interesting too that this very cheerful-looking version of Harbour’s body language was rarely seen during his poses with Lily, when he could often adopt more of a poker face.”
Hmm. Is she right? We don’t know that we’ve always seen that… We mean, they used to always have fun when we saw them!

What do U think? Is this pro right??
[Image via Architectural Digest/YouTube/Lily Allen/Instagram.]
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