Conspiracy Corner

MmmWTF?! Isaac Hanson Posts An INSANE Coronavirus Conspiracy Theory!

We’ve heard some wacky COVID-19 conspiracy theories over the past few months, but this one takes the cake.

Isaac Hanson, of ’90s pop sensations Hanson, took to social media to share a religiously-charged post about how he thinks the coronavirus pandemic is just part of the government’s ongoing war on Christmas.

Sigh. Yes, really.

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The typo-laden note on his Instagram Stories read:

“At some point very soon Christians and Church’s [sic] (and for that matter anyone of any faith) is going to have to decide, is [sic] your faith is more important than your fear.”

Wait, what?

This just sounds all kinds of wack. Why can’t believers have faith AND comply with health and safety measures put into place because of this very real pandemic?

Apparently, it’s because they are super against the idea of not having a big blowout celebration on Christmas. Yes, sadly Isaac is part of the Kirk Cameron‘s Saving Christmas theological school of thought which equates Christianity with most commercial aspects of the holiday — buying/receiving gifts, throwing parties, opulent decorations.

It’s basically the opposite of the moral you’d expect — that what really matters is love and family — and yet it’s become a driving factor for these “War on Christmas” conspiracy theorists.

The MMMBop singer continued:

“We are quickly approaching Christmas and it too will be canceled (by our governments), just like Easter was and Thanksgiving is being suggested to be. I for one will not comply.”

Boy, please: this isn’t about faith at all.

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We mean, Isaac can observe Christmas in his living room and still do Jesus right. This is about him being inconvenienced by having to alter his holiday plans for the greater good — which doesn’t sound like something the Big Man Upstairs would condone, if you ask us.

But it’s clear that Isaac has created his own interpretation of what his God wants, as he completely misquoted the bible to fit his ridiculous ideology, writing:

“I fear God more that [sic] I fear death and far more than I fear my government!!! (Prob. [sic] 9:10)”

For what it’s worth, the actual quote is:

“The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom: and the knowledge of the holy is understanding.”

Clearly, the 39-year-old isn’t understanding pretty much anything — especially what the “evil” government is encouraging citizens to do for the upcoming holiday season.

While Thanksgiving has not been officially canceled by officials, Dr. Anthony Fauci recommended people should only celebrate with their immediate family or household; meanwhile, other experts have suggested quarantining for two weeks before meeting a larger group of guests.

They are not trying to attack anyone’s faith, this isn’t a conspiracy against Christmas. Again, all of this is to SAVE YOUR FAMILY MEMBERS’ LIVES!

There has been no official word on Christmas guidelines just yet, but we’re praying that folks like Isaac rethink their position and don’t give the gift of COVID-19 to their more at-risk relatives.

[Image via Patricia Schlein/WENN]