More YouTuber drama!!
Specifically beauty bloggers — and yes, Jeffree Star is in the middle of it all once again!
Star is literally cackling right now after former BFF Laura Lee was forced to apologize this week over old (2012) racist tweets that resurfaced causing a LOT of drama in the YouTube community.
Star was very quick on the trigger to throw shade, taking to Twitter (below):
Good morningggg everyone! ? What are you all sipping on??
— Jeffree Star (@JeffreeStar) August 13, 2018
The truth always comes out… There’s still so much more to be revealed. Remember, 2018 still has 4 months left ?
— Jeffree Star (@JeffreeStar) August 13, 2018
Later on Snapchat, Star continued to drag Lee, laughing and saying to the camera at one point (below):
“I love karma. I’ve been getting asked a LOT, ‘Are you ever gonna tell your side of the story?’ I don’t think I have to. I think everything will come out eventually on its own this year; there’s still four months left. 2018 has been a f**king journey, girl. So… I’m bored.”
For Lee’s part, she apologized for the racist tweets (below) and seems committed to bettering herself after it:
“Personally, I will continue to work on myself. I am not perfect, but I know I am better than this. I’m holding myself and my actions accountable — to use this as a learning moment. I sincerely apologize to you all and I hope with time, I am able to earn your respect back.”
Hmm… the damage may be done!
Regardless, Star gleefully celebrating Lee’s low-point is the HEIGHT of beauty blogger drama!!
And if that’s the kind of stuff you’re into… we’ve got good news!!!
Ch-ch-check out a WHOLE GALLERY of the crazies beauty blogger feuds and online dramas (below)!!!!
CLICK HERE to view “All The Craziest Beauty Blogger Feuds!”
CLICK HERE to view “All The Craziest Beauty Blogger Feuds!”
CLICK HERE to view “All The Craziest Beauty Blogger Feuds!”
CLICK HERE to view “All The Craziest Beauty Blogger Feuds!”
CLICK HERE to view “All The Craziest Beauty Blogger Feuds!”