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Jeremy Lin: Linsanity Sweeps GQ Magazine!

Jeremy Lin: Linsanity Sweeps GQ Magazine!

Jeremy Lin is on the cover of the November issue of GQ.
Lin is going to be playing for the Houston Rockets, but he will def miss playing for the New York Knicks, where Linsanity all started.
He said:

“You can’t ask for a city or a fan base to embrace somebody more than they embraced me. I know it’s kind of silly to talk about it with only two years under my belt in the league, but going in before free agency, I was like, ‘I want to play in front of these fans for the rest of my career.’ I really did. I really wanted to play in front of the Madison Square Garden fans for the rest of my career, because they’re just unbelievable.”

We’re sure New York will be missing you and your skillz too!
It’s kind of weird that Lin absolutely blew up while playing for the Knicks then signed with the Rockets for three years right after.
Lin actually doesn’t know a lot about what he does, even talking about how he became a superstar overnight, saying:

“I mean, to literally go from ‘If I score two, three, or four points today, it’s a good day’ to setting the record for the most points scored in your first five starts of any NBA player. I’d be a huge liar if I told myself, ‘I knew I could do that.’ You know what I mean? That’s not realistic. Let’s just be honest. I had no idea I could play like that. It was as amazing to me as it was to everybody else.”

Well you should know now├óΓé¼┬ª you’re Jeremy Lin, and that’s an awesome person to be!
We’re sure you’ll find your place with the Rockets.
We wouldn’t be surprised if New York gave you a big welcome next time the Rockets play at the Knicks!
[Image via Paola Kudacki/GQ.]

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Oct 16, 2012 16:01pm PDT

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