Kanye West Unleashes The Wrath Of Designer Anne Bowen For Stealing Her Fashion Week Thunder

Kanye West has upset someone, and he didn’t even have to steal the mic from her at an awards show.
The rapper just recently announced a surprise fashion show for his Yeezy Season 2 for Adidas Originals collection, which is on the same day and time (September 16 at noon) as designer Anne Bowen‘s presentation.
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And she’s really not happy about it!
She said:

“We have been prepping for a year for this at considerable financial, labor- and commitment-cost to our company. Our show date has been scheduled for months and has been on the Fashion Calendar for weeks. We went through all the proper channels to make this a reality. And just yesterday we learned that Kanye West is having a show at the same time on the same date as ours.”

She continued:

“Kanye knows he is a media sensation and it is just not ethical to do this. It’s like we are David and he is Goliath. We have put our heart and soul into our show, and should not be stepped on like this.
“In order for our show to have any significance, we now have to move our date and time which is a logistical nightmare, three days out from our originally scheduled time.”

Even CFDA president Steven Kolb was not aware of Yeezy’s surprise show until he basically read about it in the newspaper:

“The first I heard about the Kanye show was what I read in the Post. There was no listing on the Fashion Calendar, and we didn’t know about it. We can’t avoid conflicts unless we know someone’s doing it.”

Designer Naeem Khan is also scheduled to show during Kanye’s time slot, but he will proceed as planned.
Anne Bowen is smart to have complained about this, however.
We’d never even heard of her before and now she’s being written about for yelling at Kanye!
[Image via WENN.]