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Kerry Katona Made Her New Man Sign A Confidentiality Agreement!

Kerry Katona Made Her New Man Sign A Confidentiality Agreement!

Nothing says true love like a confidentiality agreement!
Former trainwreck Kerry Katona seems to be doing a pretty good job of keeping her life together as of late, and after serious drug problems and two failed marriages, has been quietly seeing Adam Waldron!
However, girlfriend wants to learn from her mistakes and keep this one on the DL – and take a dig at Jordan Katie Price in the process!
She says:

“I want to keep it to myself until I’m really sure about what’s going on with us and then I’ll talk. I really don’t want to do a Katie Price and pose with every new boyfriend I have on the cover of a magazine. Let me have a bit of time with him first because I don’t want to jinx anything. Adam doesn’t want this lifestyle, he finds it hard, I made him sign a confidentiality form. I just feel like a failure as a wife and a mother, like I did with Brian, even though I couldn’t help that Brian ran off with someone else, but I still felt a failure. I thought, why couldn’t he love me enough to stay with me? The same happened with Mark, I stayed with him for a year and a half and kept telling myself he’d change, I gave him every opportunity to change but he didn’t love me enough which makes me feel like a failure and not good enough as a person. I tried so hard in that marriage and I’d have done anything for it to have worked.”

We have a suggestion, bb! Maybe if you want your new relationship to work, you should stop talking to the press about your exes!!
But that being said, you still look great, and just take it slow with your new man!
We’re still cautiously optimistic that you’re going to really get your life back together!
Keep up the good work!
[Image via WENN.]

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Jun 17, 2010 09:00am PDT

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