Spencer Pratt & Heidi Montag Label Lauren Conrad As A 'Cold-Hearted Killer' -- The Epic Feud Lives On!

The Hills might be fake, but the never-ending feud between Lauren Conrad and Speidi isn’t!

Despite the MANY years that have passed, Heidi Montag and Spencer Pratt decided to speak out on their major beef with L.C. and why they think she’s a “cold-hearted killer”.
Related: How Does Lauren Feel About Heidi Saying She Was ‘Trying To Ruin [Her] Life’?!

Yep, the interview definitely went there! At this rate, Speidi should look into directing their own Bad Blood spin-off!
So, what did the notorious duo have to say about their former castmate? The couple dished:

“Lauren is a cold-hearted killer. That’s what people don’t get. She will cut you in your sleep. She tried to destroy us. If you want to throw missiles, I’m throwing a nuke. This is how I operate.”

Wow. Those are some HARSH words.
But wait, the duo didn’t stop there! The married pair went on to allege that their family members were PAID to side with Conrad during their tumultuous times on TV! The lovebirds allege:

“They paid off Heidi’s mom and her sister, who were broke. They were writing them twenty thousand dollar checks to be Team LC.”

Those are some crazy allegations! At least Heids admits that she has since mended relations with her family after learning that they “didn’t really feel that way” about Lauren.
Oh, and as for that infamous fight between Montag and the fashion designer over an alleged sex tape? The once aspiring singer revealed:

“Today, I would be like, ├óΓé¼╦£Bi-ch, you know what you did.'”

Woah! Shots fired!
So, whose side are YOU on?
[Image via MTV.]