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Lily Allen

Lily Allen BURNS James Corden For Complaining She Was 'Leading Him On' In Memoir!

Lily Allen BURNS James Corden For Complaining She Was 'Leading Him On' In Memoir!

Lily Allen just roasted the f**k out of James Corden. Ouch!!!

During Monday’s episode of her podcast Miss Me? with co-host Miquita Oliver, Lily was asked by a fan if she had any “actually famous” beg friends — AKA someone who is incessantly trying to connect with people who aren’t really interested. She explained it as:

“You know when someone contacts you, and then you don’t respond to that thing, and then a couple days later they’ll send you a message? Like, ‘Just following up on this.’ It’s like, I know. That’s why I ignored you, and when you keep following up, that’s the begging.”

And seeing as she was so famous from such an early age, it’s understandable why she might’ve been fending off a ton of these types of friends! And she had someone in mind!

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The whole thing made her think about The Late Late Show comedian, whom she claims used to be super clingy before he accused her of leading him on! She explained how they became friends on the set of her talk show, Lily Allen and Friends, in 2008, recalling:

“Yeah, James Corden was a bit of a beg friend for me. James came on my chat show and was very flirtatious with me, and we sort of made friends, and I introduced him to a group of my friends. And I don’t really remember it because that whole period of time was a bit hazy.”

The podcasters hung out with James for either a week or a month (they couldn’t agree on an exact length — though it was short). It doesn’t sound like a real relationship ever sparked, but apparently the actor thought he had a chance! The English singer-songwriter dished:

“I believe that he wrote about it in his book that, you know, that I was like leading him on or something — which I definitely wasn’t. I think in his mind, maybe it went on a bit longer.”


She continued:

“But yeah, I’d say if I ever had a famous beggy friend, it was James Corden back in the day.”


This man’s reputation jhg just gets worse and worse every time someone talks about him. Rough!

FWIW, in his 2011 book, May I Have Your Attention, Please?, the Brit recalled first meeting the singer at the premiere of his film The History Boys in 2006. She was blowing up at the time and wanted his number, he wrote:

“She’s confident, funny and intelligent. We got talking at the party after the film and she asked me for my phone number, which was a bit embarrassing as I was standing with my girlfriend at the time.”

They didn’t come face-to-face again until 2008 at the talk show, he added:

“Given where I was at the time, with my ego starting to spiral out of control, a broken heart trying to nurse itself with empty one-night stands and a complete lack of understanding of my position in the world, this was right up my street. I made it my aim to make Lily mine.”

The Into The Woods star said he “blatantly” and “publicly” flirted with the talk show host before they spent some time together off-camera. In the episode, which you can see HERE, he did repeatedly tell her how “lovely” she was — causing her to teasingly tell him to “just f**k me.” OMG.

Back in his book, the former late night host recalled the brief period of time they were friends — and how he continually tried and failed to make a move. James wrote:

“I guess I went out with Lily four or five times in total after that – and not once was it a proper date. It always seemed to involve other people and not just the two of us.”

That should’ve been his first sign that she wasn’t really interested! But this continued on for a bit until “reality dawned” on him when he was with Lily at her home with several other friends. She supposedly said she was going to bed and he accompanied her upstairs — where he was promptly directed to the guest room. Hah! He continued:

“Never have I felt such a douchebag. Who was I trying to kid? I remember lying in bed and realising how badly I’d misread the signs. There was no me and Lily, it was all in my mind.”

According to The Independent, Lily recalled being uncomfortable by his remarks on her show in a 2017 tweet, saying that he “came on to [her] in front of a studio audience,” adding:

“If I’d have shut him down, I would have been labelled cold or up myself or snobbish.”

It sounds like he misread the signals at EVERY turn. Yikes! This is certainly not a duo we’d ever imagine having this kind of history, though. But for the record, it sounds like James has learned his lesson. In her podcast, she concluded:

“He’s not begging me anymore. I’m not begging him either. I can’t do anything for him now. He’s good.”

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[Image via WENN/Avalon & Late Night/YouTube]

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