Honey Boo Boo

Mama June Admits She Took Alana's Honey Boo Boo Money: 'I Don't Give A F**k, Take Me To Court'

Mama June Shannon can admit that $33,000 she owes Honey Boo Boo does belong to the teen — but that won’t make her care!

Things are heating up in the new season of Mama June: Family Crisis, and the money the 44-year-old owes her daughter Alana Thompson is still a big issue. In the past, the 18-year-old accused her mom of stealing money out of her Coogan account when she was underage in order to fuel her drug addiction, with June maintaining all the money was spent on raising the TV star kiddo. Well now, she’s at least admitting to fault — er, she’s admitting it’s Alana’s money. Fault implies she thinks she did anything wrong…

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In a teaser for the new episode, via Entertainment Tonight, tensions are high between Justin Stroud trying to convince his new wife she’s in the wrong, while she continues to argue with her daughter. Alana can be seen in the clip speaking to her sister Lauryn “Pumpkin” Efird about the entire situation:

“She’s just sitting there f**king lying, bro. Your own f**king husband is sitting there telling you that you did wrong. That s**t’s got me f**king shaking.”

Lauryn jumps in with her own take, calling June a “piece of s**t”:

“The point of the matter is that you’re a piece of s**t mama and took somebody’s f**king money.”

The camera then returns into the house where June and her new husband are in a heated debate over the finances. Speaking directly to the cameras, the Mama June: From Not To Hot star argues:

“I legally put the 20 percent in there. I don’t give a f**k. Take me to court.”

When a producer asks her if she thinks Honey Boo Boo just wants $30k or if she actually wants the money she’s owed, June says:

“I think it’s a little bit of both. I hate to say it, but I think it’s a little bit of both.”

Meanwhile, Justin tries to talk some sense into her. June responds by blatantly acknowledging she knows it’s Alana’s cash — she just doesn’t care:

“I do understand that it’s her money, but a lot of her money was spent on her own self. I don’t give a f**k.”

Whoa! Seriously?! She’s angry her kids spent their own money on themselves?

Justin tries to reason with her, saying:

“As a parent, that’s what you do, June. Whether it’s successful or it’s not, that’s what you do as a parent, you invest in them to a certain extent. Don’t let them abuse you.”

To which June seemingly gets more frustrated, and shouts:

“But that’s what I feel like they have been [doing]!”

Her husband isn’t giving up, though, and is fighting on the side of Alana. He explains to her:

“Okay, but this situation right here, June, you owe it to her. When you asked me to take care of stuff and you asked me to move here, I did it. And because I love them and I care for them and I want the relationship to not be f**ked up, at least on my end. I need you as your husband to take care of it.”

Doesn’t seem unreasonable, right?? Well, Mama June just shrugs and doesn’t say anything else… See the shocking reality TV moment for yourself (below)!

This is shaping up to be the wildest episode of the season yet. Reactions, Perezcious readers?

[Image via WEtv/YouTube]