Wait A Minute, Does Meghan Markle Have A 'Massively Extravagant' Spending Problem???

Meghan Markle apparently needs to quickly rein in her “massively extravagant” spending problem — or else risk falling out of favor with the British public!
This from veteran royal correspondent and former BBC contributor Jennie Bond, who spoke to Yahoo News‘ The Royal Box about Markle late this week while offering some warnings and suggestions to the Duchess of Sussex, as well!
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The 67-year-old Bond — who made her name in the royal world by covering Princess Diana for years — opined to the media that Markle’s apparently luxurious spending habits have been getting out of control, and the 37-year-old new mother now risks becoming unpopular in the U.K. if she can’t tighten her belt a bit.
But where is this even coming from?! There hasn’t been much made of Markle’s apparent spending habits before… until now.
Nevertheless, Bond notes Markle’s big-time baby shower — and her habit of buying expensive designer clothing — as signs the Duchess is feelin’ herself maybe a bit too much these days, even after Master Archie‘s recent birth.
Bond warns (below):

“What I think that Meghan has to be careful of is that she’s so, pretty much A-list celebrity as well as senior royal. I am getting the feeling that the public don’t like her terrifically spending huge quantities of money. Being extravagant, massively extravagant, she can afford it, she is a wealthy woman, but it doesn’t play very well, so I think she needs to just watch that.”

Not saying Bond is wrong here, of course — and the former BBC journo’s logic makes sense — but has Markle been so out of touch with extravagant spending so far for it to be a problem?! Not any more than any other royal, it would seem… right???

Meghan Markle and Prince Harry. / (c) WENN

Regardless of truth or spending history, though, now the words are out there, and Markle is forever branded as the one with the “massively extravagant” spending problem — all because a former royal correspondent decided so and figured she’d tell the world about her unsolicited opinion of Meghan’s daily habits. (It should be noted, too, that in the interview itself it never once appeared Bond had any insider information about Meghan’s spending habits — she was just going off public trips and public appearances involving Prince Harry and others.
Speaking of unsolicited opinions, Bond was there with hers yet again at the end of the interview, deciding to oh so charitably offer the 37-year-old Duchess her un-wanted and un-requested advice (below):

“I think I’d ask Meghan, suggest to her that she tries not to play any games with the press. Try not to be too celebrity, because that doesn’t go down well with the public, and to try to ignore the fact that she’s getting quite a lot of flack from various directions. She is being compared to Diana and I’m sorry that that’s the case because I think she is a very different woman. Much more mature. Much more knowing of her own role and the issues she wishes to espouse. Much readier for the role than Diana ever was.”

Uh-huh. Seems like a lot of B.S. meant to fill some tabloid pages, doesn’t it?!
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No doubt Meghan spends a fair amount of money — doesn’t the entire royal family? — but why is this such a sudden problem now, and why does a former correspondent with no insider info suddenly think she has the fast-track on Meghan’s actual habits??
Call us skeptical on this one!!!
What are your thoughts on all this, y’all?? Share your opinions and reactions in the comments (below)!!!
[Image via WENN]