Mel Gibson

Twitter Can't Deal With Mel Gibson's Violent Santa Claus Movie!

Mel Gibson is known for his roles in flicks such as Braveheart and Mad Max, but he’s taking on a character even more iconic this time: Santa Claus.

The controversial 64-year-old is starring in a new dark comedy, Fatman, as Kris Kringle, a bitter businessman who is bummed out over the decline in Christmas spirit.

Related: Tricks & Treats! Everything Coming & Going On Netflix In October!

In the newly released trailer, Gibson’s character goes up against assassin Walton Goggins who is contracted by a 12-year-old to kill Santa after being put on the naughty list and gifted coal:

“I don’t know what I’m doing wrong, I’ve lost my influence. Maybe it’s time I retire the coat…All I have is a loathing for a world that’s forgotten.”

Ch-ch-check out the ridiculous trailer (below):

Well, that’s an interesting new take. But Twitter is NOT having any of this, mostly because of its controversial star. Take a look at some of the top responses, both critical and hilarious, (below):

What do U think, Perezcious movie buffs?! Will U be watching this?? (And how would you feel about it if Nicolas Cage were in it instead??) Let us know your take in the comments (below)!