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Michele Bachmann Reacts To Miley Cyrus' SNL Sketch, Saying She Hasn't Twerked A Day In Her Life!

Michele Bachmann Reacts To Miley Cyrus' SNL Sketch, Saying She Hasn't Twerked A Day In Her Life!


When Miley Cyrus emerged as a scantily clad Michele Bachmann in the HIGHlarious SNL music video sketch We Did Stop, we fully expected Michele to try to shutdown SNL, since she’s already done such a great job at shutting down the government.

We’ll begin a sarcastic slow clap….NOW!

Finally, Michele has responded to Miley’s twerking impersonation:

“I’ve never done twerking in my life, and I don’t intend to take it up.”

Now, Michele may not be twerking, but she’s also still not working, as she was one of the key proponents behind the government shutdown that has furloughed hundreds of thousands of Americans who aren’t getting paid.

But guess who is getting paid despite the shutdown? Michele Bachmann.

Anyway, guess we wait for John Boehner to come out saying he’s never put a grill in his mouth!

We hope the government decides to get back to work before they put the Capitol Building to the wrecking ball, and build a mall there instead, and not the National kind.

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Oct 10, 2013 14:09pm PDT