More Michigan Fail! Boo!!!! - Perez Hilton
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More Michigan Fail! Boo!!!!

What the FUCK is this moron’s problem?
Check out this PSYCHOTIC clip from Anderson Cooper 360, featuring Andrew Shirvell, an assistant attorney general for the state of Michigan who has unleashed a full-blown internet attack on University of Michigan student assembly president and openly homosexual Chris Armstrong!
This nut case launched a blog last April under the moniker Concerned Michigan Alumnus, which he uses as a platform to accuse the school’s head of government of engaging in “flagrant sexual promiscuity,” hosting orgies in his dorm room, and trying to make incoming freshmen “join the homosexual ‘lifestyle.'” He also draws swastikas over gay pride flags over pictures of Armstrong’s face, and has apparently stalked this kid outside of his home!
Watch (above) to see his argue with Cooper as to why he believes his actions to be acceptable behavior!
This is one scary, self-loathing closet case if we’ve ever seen one!
He should be ASHAMED of himself for doing what he’s doing to a COLLEGE STUDENT involved in STUDENT GOVERNMENT!

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Sep 29, 2010 12:20pm PDT

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