Octo-Mom Is The Biggest Loser In Civil Suit Over $7,500 Diamond Ring!

What a surprise!
Former boxer Damon Feldman pulled a publicity stunt on Octo-Mom by proposing to her at a celebrity boxing match recently, but after the mama of 14 didn’t return the $7,500 diamond ring he used for the trick, he ended up suing her.
And now, since Miz Octo didn’t show up to her civil hearing yesterday, Feldman officially became the winner of the suit!!
According to a Delaware County Court rep:

“Judgement is in favor of the plaintiff because the defendants failed to show. Method of payment will be decided between the defendants and the plaintiff.”

Satisfied with the outcome, Damon said:

“I’m very happy to get the verdict. I hope she will be a really nice person and pay, or send the ring back. I don’t think she will, but the pressure is on her now. The way she tried to screw me over was a joke, but I guess that’s what I get for dealing with people like that.”

We’re just hoping Nadya does pay her dues, or at least gives the ring back because STEALING is never cool.
But we wouldn’t be taken aback if she tries to dodge what she owes, especially since she’s back on welfare!!
[Image courtesy of Octo-Mom’s Twitter.]