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Rudy Takes The Lead

Rudy Giuliani has forged ahead in the race to win money for the Republican presidential campaign. The former New York City mayor has pulled in $15 million in the last quarter. Mitt Romney, a multi-millionaire, has about $12 million in his campaign coffers – but $6.5 million of that came from his own fortune. And […]

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Blame Vanessa!

Ever since Nick Lachey got together with Vanessa Minnillo, the fired ET and MTV host (who is currently without a job) has been nothing but bad news for the singer. Now, the pair are speaking out publicly – to OK! magazine – on their spate of bad press. On being photographed having sex together in […]

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Turn It Out!

If Beyonce and Jennifer Lopez had a musical love child, she would be this girl. Click here to watch and listen to Amerie‘s new single, Gotta Work. It’s the jam! There’s nothing especially original about the song, but it sure is satisfying. It’s like summer blockbuster. Tastes great. Little nutritional value! […]

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