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Nick Lachey

Blame Vanessa!

Blame Vanessa!

Ever since Nick Lachey got together with Vanessa Minnillo, the fired ET and MTV host (who is currently without a job) has been nothing but bad news for the singer.
Now, the pair are speaking out publicly – to OK! magazine – on their spate of bad press.
On being photographed having sex together in public:
Nick says, “Where’s the scandal? I was in Mexico with my girlfriend of a year, celebrating our anniversary on a private vacation. It’s not like I was caught with a Mexican hooker. We’ve all gone out and had a few too many and done something stupid. We’ve all made mistakes.”
Vanessa says the photos were “embarrassing. But we did nothing wrong. ├óΓé¼┬ª I felt personally violated. If I was being disrespectful I would expect to be punished, but I wasn’t. It’s wrong.”
On the Lohan knife photos:
Vanessa says, “When a photo like that gets more press than what you do, it’s sad. It was a period of seconds, over a year ago. Yes, of course, it was bad judgment. Yes, of course I was embarrassed. I haven’t seen [Lindsay] recently or talked to her. She’s trying to get herself better.”
On Jessica Simpson:
Nick says, “It was best for both for us that it ended the way it did.
On whether her and Vanessa are contemplating marriage:
Nick says, “The ‘m’ word has been mischief lately. We’re enjoying each other’s company and we’re very happy, but we’re not looking too far ahead. The future will be what it will be. We’ll see where it goes.”

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Jul 03, 2007 17:51pm PDT

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