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Star Seeker

What Does It Take???

Jessica Simpson worked out with her new trainer, Harley Pasternak, on Monday. She was at the gym for FOUR hours. A normal person doesn’t have that much time to devote to the gym! Try not to be too jealous. Bitch. Bitch Bitc. [Images via Buzz Foto.] […]

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This Is Insane

The new Apple iPhone goes on sale this Friday and people are already lined up at the Mac store in NYC to get theirs, has learned. Bananas! […]

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She Definitely Looks Pregnant

It’s all in the boobs! Christina Aguilera‘s breasts looked massive at a press conference in China on Monday. The rumored-to-be-pregnant singer is currently touring in Asia and looking quite preggers. The high-waisted dress is another indication she may be hiding a baby bump. So far, no official confirmation from Aguilera of her camp. But hopefully […]

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Like The Energizer Bunny

He just won’t stop! Isaiah Washington‘s been talking and talking and talking ever since he was fired from Grey’s Anatomy. And he’s shoving his foot down his throat and alienating potential future employers every step of the way! Now, Isaiah’s taking his grievances to the airwaves. Washington is scheduled to be on Larry King Live […]

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