Rachael Ray Is All About Her New Book!

If she wasn’t about to make a ton of money off of it, do you think Rachael Ray would be just as animated about her new book??
Seriously! She has a ton of cook books out already, so we’re wondering what makes this one so special — oh yeah, that’s right! It’s called My Year In Meals, and it includes PERSONAL recipes that she makes for herself and her family when cameras aren’t rolling! So maybe she really IS looking forward to sharing new and personal content with the world!
Rachael is a SUPER nice person, but sometimes we get the feeling that because she’s so bubbly ALL the time that she probably gets tired of it. LOLz! We could be wrong, though! And we hope her thumb feels better!
So, how many of these pics (below) do you think are genuine excitement, and which are just her day job?? Ha!
[Image via WENN.]