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Reese Witherspoon

Reese Witherspoon Was Talking About Kate Winslet! Here's The Evidence...

Reese Witherspoon Offended Kate Winslet Award Speech Laser Hair Removal

Wait, was Reese Witherspoon unfriended by Kate Winslet?! It sure seems like it…

The Legally Blonde star was speaking about her new wedding comedy You’re Cordially Invited with Will Ferrell on Thursday, and People asked about toasts or speeches that didn’t go well. And oh boy did Reese have a story!

She revealed she once had a famous actress friend who got her to give a speech for her at an awards show. But Reese misjudged what this pal — “a very serious, proper actress” — would think about the roast-like speech she wrote. She was mortified, recalling:

“The tone was British and elegant and classy. And I was like, ‘Remember the time we got laser hair removal?!’”

It was so bad, the gal GHOSTED her!

“We’re not friends anymore. I’m not even kidding — we’re not friends anymore. I think she doesn’t like me anymore. I thought it was so funny, and it was just, I had the wrong audience. It was pretty bad. I’m not even kidding, she doesn’t talk to me anymore. Oh, well.”

A lot of fans’ first thought was Nicole Kidman — as Reese has presented her with a couple awards. But they seem to still be friendly despite jokes about her accent and penchant for “weird snacks”. We guess Nicole has a pretty healthy sense of humor about herself?

Related: Fans Think Nicole Kidman Is LYING About Iconic Tom Cruise Divorce Meme Photo!

But fans kept digging on this one, and they found evidence of a speech from waaaaay back in 2007… presenting an award to Kate Winslet!

We’re not even sure if there was video of this, but it was at the BAFTA/LA Cunard Britannia Awards. “British and elegant and classy”, check. Reese was presenting Kate with the Artist of the Year award. And the speech was just as silly and personal as she recalled. She told the audience:

“I always wanted to be a European movie star, wear giant sunglasses, elaborate neck scarves, smoke hand-rolled cigarettes, and have savoir faire and gravitas… Imagine my good fortune when Kate Winslet moved into my neighborhood, rang my door bell and said, [in faux British accent] ‘Dahling, Sam is off shooting, and I believe our children are the same age. Could they possibly have a play date and oh, by the way, it’s almost 9 o’clock and I’ve had nothing to do drink, do you have any wine?'”

She also said she couldn’t offer any more personal stories about the Titanic star because “they’re all too bawdy or tawdry or drunken to tell.” Oh dear. We can see how Kate might worry it makes her seem like a wino and a negligent mom! Like a Real Housewife of Reading or something.

We can’t even find the whole speech online anywhere, but a recap from the next day lists… wait for it… Reese mentioning “the time they contemplated laser hair removal.” OMG, this has to be it, right?

Kate always seems like so much fun. Clearly Reese thought so, too — but didn’t understand that there are times when one should maybe keep it private? Like, say, surrounded by all those knights and ladies at the BAFTAs?

You can see the full recap from way back when HERE.

[Image via 60 Minutes/BAFTA/YouTube.]

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Jan 31, 2025 12:30pm PDT