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Fans Think Nicole Kidman Is LYING About Iconic Tom Cruise Divorce Meme Photo -- Here's Why!

Fans Think Nicole Kidman Is Lying About That Tom Cruise Divorce Meme!

Wait, wait… Nicole Kidman was LYING about the origins of that iconic photo??

That’s what fans think, at least! As we previously reported, the 57-year-old actress finally addressed the famous photo that was long been believed to be her showing utter relief after her divorce from Tom Cruise. You know the picture! It’s the one from way back in 2001 where she’s seen cheering toward the sky, supposedly after leaving her lawyer’s office post-divorce. It’s been circulating forever.

Well, she broke fans’ hearts by explained the pic wasn’t about her divorce at all. She claimed it was from a movie.

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But what movie?? That’s where fans are really stumped. She didn’t say. And fans don’t recognize it as a scene from anything, otherwise it would have been debunked years ago. In a viral tweet, one social media user got a really good conversation started with some healthy skepticism:

“ok I just did a deep dive on this and not only does she not specify which movie it was, none of her legions of fans even have a hypothesis as to which movie it could have been. so I feel comfortable concluding that she’s lying and it really is a post-divorce paparazzi shot”

In the replies, others were quick to pile-on with their own research:

“I looked it up too and gave up cause none of the movies she’s in during 2001 even match this vibe”

“Okay, thank you, I was like — wouldn’t we easily know what movie this was from??? Also what movie would call for her to be dressed in those sneakers with that outfit??”

“I’m fascinated by this because it’s such an easily disprovable lie.”

“I can’t remember a movie where she went totally barefaced AND wigless?”

“It’s gotta be a lie, but I do enjoy the idea (as the only possible alternative I can think of) that the photos are from unused footage from when she was supposed to do In the Cut lol”

“The tabloids at the time definitely said it was her leaving her lawyers office”

That last one isn’t just some Mandela effect, either! One fan actually FOUND an article from the time — in a paper copy of the Irish Independent! In a photocopy from the outlet, there’s even an eyewitness quoted confirming she was outside her lawyer’s office:

“An onlooker said: ‘She walked out of the offices, threw back her head and arms and let out this amazing cry. She was crying out halfway down the street as she walked along. It was obviously a very emotional moment.'”

So… was this mag from the time lying about it then? We mean, all the evidence is stacked up against her at this point… But if she is lying about it — then why? Does she just want everyone to forget about her divorce?

What do U think the reason is, Perezcious readers? Do U think she’s lying or not?? Let us know in the comments (below)…

[Image via MEGA/WENN]

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Nov 22, 2024 16:20pm PDT