
Ryan Phillippe Calls Out His Ex-Girlfriend On Twitter!

Speaking of a “bad look”…
Ryan Phillippe got a little Twitter happy on Sunday evening, posting some odd declarations, which may have been drunken nonsense or non-sequitur genius. TBH we could go either way.
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For instance, he wrote:


In the middle of all that, the Cruel Intentions star took a moment to call out an ex for some grossly opportunistic behavior.
He quickly deleted the tweets, but not before E! News got a screen shot:

Ooh! Who is he talking about?
Obviously not Reese Witherspoon or Abbie Cornish, who are both getting their own Hollywood swag.
He did have a fairly contentious relationship with one ex — Else Hewitt, who accused him of domestic violence last year.
But considering their ongoing legal battle, in which she now claims he probably won’t remember all the alleged abuse because of alleged drug habits, we’re guessing neither of them is mentioning the other in public at the moment.
[Image via Ryan Phillippe/Instagram.]