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Teen Mom Leah Messer's Daughter Could Be In A Wheelchair For Rest Of Life

teen mom heartache daughter could leave her in a wheelchair

Leah Messer needs to stay strong right now!

The Teen Mom star’s daughter Aliannah Simms just got some very scary news. Doctors believe an illness may cause her muscles to deteriorate to the point where she may be in a wheelchair for the rest of life.

Which is awful, and would obviously cause any parent a lot of distress.

Compounding to this awful news – Leah had recently bought a house, and will have to move out soon to a more handicapped accessible home.

Here’s what a source said:

“Things went from bad to worse with Ali and it turns out that she could have to be in a wheelchair soon. This is why Leah and [her husband] have to move out of their new house. They need a house without stairs that’s more handicapped accessible for Ali. They are also planning on getting a place that allows horses because that will be part of Ali’s therapy.”

Leah did not originally take the news well, she tweeted:

She also wrote:

And although we’re not sure what exactly the illness is, one source described what the doctors believe will eventually happen to little Ali. The source said:

“Ali has been doing therapy for a few years now and seemed to be improving, however, from what the doctor told the family at Ali’s big doctor appointment in July, her disorder will just keep getting worse. Apparently the muscles will start to deteriorate and she will most likely lose the ability to walk.”

This is so scary, and yet Ali is just a little girl, and probably has no idea what’s really going on.

Her parents, especially her mother, need to be very positive and supportive for this young girl. One can still lead a very fruitful life in a wheelchair, and Leah needs to do everything she can to help her daughter.

It’ll be more work than one could ever imagine, but we think it is of course totally worth it.

We wish this family the very best.

[Image via Twitter.]

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Aug 22, 2013 11:28am PDT